Titre : | Bomimicry towards a living architecture in hot and arid regions |
Auteurs : | Sara Khelil, Auteur ; Benabbas Moussadek, Directeur de thèse |
Support: | Mémoire magistere |
Editeur : | Biskra [Algerie] : Mohamed Khider university of Biskra, 2015 |
Langues: | Anglais |
Mots-clés: | Architetural design ; Biomimiry ; Bio-inspiration ; CFD ; Hot and arid regions ; Natural world ; Problem solver |
Résumé : |
One of the most important design hallenges is designing e ologi al buildings lo ated in hot and arid regions be ause of the global limate hange. In these regions, s ientists re ommend the use of the prin iples of the sustainable design that are based mainly on redu ing the energy onsumption of the building and the a hievement of its e o-e ien y. In this ontext, developing more energy e ient servi es and te hnologies is essential. Biomimeti s, as a design approa h, provides a huge potential for energy e ien y. Energy saving have be ome an important part of modern development, whi h pla es spe ial emphasis on resour e optimization. Through an exploratory and analyti al resear h, this work is an attempt to establish a link between biomimi ry and ar hite tural design. It starts by the exploration of the in uen e of biomimi ry on ar hite ture, resulting in a set of sele ted prin iples that ould be applied in the design in hot and arid limate. We attempt to rea h the on ept of living ar hite ture in hot and arid regions by investigating new strategies for sustainable design. These strategies are derived from the natural designs, living systems and pro esses, from their material, properties and from their adaptive response to hanges in their environment, in order to transform them into ar hite tural design prin iples aiming to prove that the human reasoning is illogi al and we an re tify it using the natureâs genius. We propose a Biobrainstorming methodology as a key tool to nd new methods and systems for renewable energy in hot and arid regions. The ma jor bene t of this proposed methodology is its appli ability to di erent dis iplines as a problem solver, and not only to ar hite ture and building. This is due to the generality of the design tools. In Biskra, a hot and arid region, we are fa ing the problem of si k building syndrome, whi h is the ombination of dis omfort experien ed by building o upants due to poor onditions of air quality and other aspe ts related to indoor limate. To solve this syndrome of air quality, ventilation, with minimal energy use, is provided. To a hieve our goal, we will take a model of these buildings built by humans as a ase study and other models found in nature to be inspired by these models and strategies toward improving our experien ed situation and to nd new methods and systems for renewable energy in Biskra. We propose a biomimeti design model for a living building that keep the indoor environment in a moderate level of omfort. Finally, we pro eed to the simulation using Computational Fluid Dynami s 'CFD' methods, using a Design Day as a representative day of the region of Biskra to test the validity of this theoreti al idea. |
Sommaire : |
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TH/1864 | Mémoire magistere | Bibliothèque centrale El Allia | Exclu du prêt | Salle de consultation |
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